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Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing Policy

With the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County, Theatre of Arts is now requiring all students, faculty and staff on campus to be fully vaccinated effective July 27, 2021. Under the new policy, providing proof of vaccination is mandatory.

Purpose Consistent with the duty to provide and maintain a campus free of recognized hazards, Theatre of Arts (“TOA”) has adopted this policy to safeguard the health and well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors and others who spend time in our facilities, and the community, from the risks associated with COVID-19. This policy is intended to comply with applicable federal, state and local guidance and authority, including guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health and licensing authorities.

Scope This policy applies to all students, faculty and staff. Any material changes to this policy will be communicated as soon as available.

Policy All Theatre of Arts students, faculty and staff who will be on-campus during the summer 2021 quarter are required to receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (“COVID-19 vaccine”) by July 27th in order to be granted admittance to TOA facilities or classes. To confirm vaccination status, all individuals must present written evidence of immunization from an authorized healthcare provider, pharmacy, or other authorized source. Faculty and staff must send proof of vaccination to David Law at Students must direct proof of vaccination to Amanda Alvarez at Theatre of Arts regards all such information as confidential and will ensure that records are preserved to ensure privacy is maintained.

IMPORTANT: All persons without proof of vaccination must be tested for COVID-19 THREE TIMES PER WEEK AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, and provide hard copies of negative test results each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in order to be permitted on campus. Please note that COVID-19 testing will NOT be provided on campus; all persons requiring thrice-weekly testing must locate and schedule their own tests via

Requests for Exemptions & Accommodations To assist any student, faculty or staff member who is disabled, pregnant, a nursing mother, has a qualifying medical condition that contraindicates the vaccination, or objects to being vaccinated on the basis of a sincerely held religious belief or practice, Theatre of Arts will engage in an interactive process to determine if a reasonable accommodation can be provided that does not create an undue hardship on the college’s community and/or does not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others at TOA. To request an accommodation for one of the above reasons, please notify Amanda Alvarez in writing at: Students, faculty and staff may request an accommodation without fear of retaliation. If you believe you have been treated in a manner not in accordance with this policy, please notify Theatre of Arts immediately.

IMPORTANT: All persons granted exemption from vaccination must be tested for COVID-19 THREE TIMES PER WEEK AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, and provide hard copies of negative test results each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in order to be permitted on campus. Please note that COVID-19 testing will NOT be provided on campus; all persons requiring thrice-weekly testing must locate and schedule their own tests via

TOA would like to thank all members of our community for their understanding and shared commitment to ensuring that Theatre of Arts remains a safe and healthy place to learn, collaborate, and pursue our creative dreams together. Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to For additional updates and information on TOA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please see


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