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Voice Acting Courses
Located in the heart of Hollywood, the Theatre of Arts acting conservatory offers a comprehensive slate of voice acting classes to all students enrolled in our accredited two-year acting degree program.
Interested in pursuing a voice acting career? We invite you to apply or request free information today.
Voice I
VX101, Year One, (2 Credits)
This course addresses the fundamentals needed to enable you to make character choices in a way that is not only articulate, supported, and varied, but most importantly safe. Through a sequence of practical classes you will be assisted to discover your full vocal potential. You will be guided to understand the concept of neutral, and instructed be able to breathe using the diaphragm supported by the intercostal muscles (back and side ribs). Additionally, through extensive vocal exercises you will be trained to make sound that is physically and emotionally supported, open, and forward. The course will focus on the neutral state and how it supports breathing (including both intercostal and diaphragmatic support).
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should demonstrate:
Understanding and practicing the basic foundations of vocal technique for the actor
Ability to engage in safe and effective vocal warm ups independently
Practical application of vocal exercises to vocal choices in performance
Imaginative response to the possibilities of language
Ability to work creatively as a member of a group

Voice II
VX110, Year One (2 Credits)
This course builds on the principles of Voice I, and adds vowel and consonant diction work in order to enhance your previously acquired skills. It will include building a 20 minute warm-up. You will be guided to recognize any problem areas, particularly in relation to consonant and vowel placement. A range of exercises and texts will be employed to consolidate the work done in Voice I with an emphasis on improving your clarity and articulation in practical text work. You will work on developing effective techniques in releasing vowel sounds and consonants in a clear supported, sustainable and safe manner.
Prerequisites: Voice I
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should demonstrate:
Development of sufficient freedom of the voice to adjust to specific demands of text
Ability to meet the physical and emotional demands of the text in a vocally safe manner
Awareness of problem areas in your vocal production and means of eradicating or reducing these problems
Ability to make vowel and consonant sounds in a clear, supported, sustainable and safe manner 46 TOA Catalogue 2020 Effective 01.07.20
Ability to engage in effective vocal warm ups lasting 20 minutes

Voice III
VX120, Year One (2 Credits)
In Voice III, students build upon their work in Voice I and II, and will strive to assume the consistent and accurate implementation of that work. They will be guided through exercises that will expand vocal expertise with texts that challenge the range, tempo, and action of thought. They will work on classical verse text with the intention of enhancing ability to work with a variety of verse forms, metrical structures and literary devices. Further development of clear, expressive and dynamic communication will be a significant aspect of the course work.
Prerequisite(s): Voice I, Voice II
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should demonstrate:
Expressive communication of character, action and atmosphere through the voice
Understanding of intonation and stress
Understanding a variety of verse forms, metrical structures, tempo and literary devices
Application of vocal skills to performance with confidence and sensitivity
Ability to identify and meet the vocal demands of the text and character
Awareness of a variety of styles and forms and the application of these to vocal choices in performance