November 3, 2021: TOA's prop gun safety seminar was featured on CBS 2 Los Angeles in the wake of the recent tragedy on the New Mexico set of "Rust". We are grateful to veteran Armorer Clay Van Sickle, who shared generously of his time and expertise in teaching the intensive two-hour session. Clay has ensured firearm safety on over 150 Hollywood productions spanning 20 years. His seminar covered the full spectrum of firearm-related safety protocols, including different types of prop guns, proper chain of custody, handoff, inspections and more. Students handled real prop weapons in scene work, and learned their rights to help ensure on-set safety on productions.
While stage combat and weapons training is a core component of Theatre of Arts' accredited two-year acting degree program, it must be conducted in person, and remote learning during the COVID-19 shutdown forced the delay of this important training for many students. The November 3rd prop gun safety special seminar was mandatory for all currently enrolled conservatory students, and was held on the Theatre of Arts campus at 6472 Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood.
Photos From The Event:
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