Theater of Arts is no longer accepting applications and will cease operations on July 1st, 2025. Full Statement

Improv for Actors
8 Weeks | Tues. & Thurs. 5pm–7pm | 16 Sessions/32 Hours Total
Course Description
Learn how to think on your feet, then the funny will follow! It all begins with a simple "Yes, and..." In this intensive 8-week workshop, students learn to utilize improvisation as an art form, as well as a tool that can profoundly enhance acting skills. Participants will improvise comedic and dramatic scenes, work with a scene partner, and build/create characters and worlds. All students are guided through short and long form improvisation exercises that help develop trust, stronger presence on stage, an understanding of the elements of effective storytelling, spontaneity, responsiveness, generosity, and courage as a performer. This class will help you become better at thinking on your feet and prepare you to improvise on film/tv sets. Maximum Participants: 16 Minimum Participants: 8 8 Weeks Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5pm–7pm (16 Sessions/32 Hours Total)

Contact Details
6752 Hollywood Blvd, Central LA, Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA